CONTROLS WITHIN Leonardo da Vinci: Click once with your mouse to skip the opening or the credits. A miniature menu in the upper right of the screen is available from all sections of the title. It allows for direct navigation to other sections of the title. You can use the number keys on your keyboard to adjust the audio volume. "0" provides the lowest volume (silence), "9" provides the highest. During setup, once the Video for Windows icon group has been added to Program Manager, you may need to switch back to Leonardo da Vinci's setup by pressing Alt+TAB, or by minimizing Program Manager. SOFTWARE TIPS: Leonardo da Vinci may take 10 seconds or more to launch. For this reason, don't double click the icon a second time. Please note that you should avoid clicking the mouse or pressing any keys before Leonardo da Vinci is fully started. If you hear music or narration begin to play but don't see any images, press the ESC key to exit the title, then launch it again. For optimal performance, your computer display should be set to 256 colors before running Leonardo da Vinci. You can change this setting by running the Windows SETUP program and choosing "Change Systems Settings" under the "Options" menu. Your video card may have its own control panel such as the ATI Flexdesk+ control panel. If so, use this specialized control panel instead of the Windows SETUP program. We recommend turning off all screen savers and quitting all other programs in Windows before setting up or running Leonardo da Vinci. This will free up as much memory as possible and ensure correct playback. Avoid switching to other programs while viewing Leonardo da Vinci. If you have switched to another application while running Leonardo da Vinci, don't press the Escape key. Leonardo da Vinci requires at least a 6 MB Windows permanent swapfile, but works best with a swapfile twice the size of your RAM (16 MB or more). If you need to adjust the swapfile size, run the "Enhanced" control panel inside the Windows Control Panel and change the setting in the Virtual Memory option. NOTE: If you are using a disk compression utility such as Drivespace or Doublespace, you must make sure that you set the swapfile to the uncompressed (host) drive. Leonardo da Vinci will not run on computers using WATCHDOG, or any other software that write-protects the WINDOWS sub-directory. Installing Leonardo da Vinci will write one file to your hard disk: ereg120.dat, in the WINDOWS sub-directory, and it will create a temporary file called DIRDIB.DRV in the WINDOWS sub-directory, only while it's running. You may experience problems running Leonardo da Vinci while running virus protection software such as Command Software System's F-Prot. Do not remove the CD-ROM disc from your computer while running Leonardo da Vinci. Performance may be increased by turning off CD caching. You can do this by using the /U parameter in the SMARTDRIVE entry in your autoexec.bat file. See the example below: LH /L:0 C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE /U 2048 128 If you are experiencing sound problems, please contact your hardware manufacturer. Updated drivers often solve many problems. VIDEO FOR WINDOWS: Make sure no other programs are running when you start Video for Windows installation. After the Video for Windows icon has been added to Program Manager during the setup process, you may need to switch back to the Leonardo da Vinci setup program. You can do this by using the Alt + Tab keys, or by minimizing the program. After Video for Windows in installed, the default settings can be changed through the Control Panel. Leonardo da Vinci runs best if the Video Mode is "Window," and the "Skip Video Frames if Behind" option is enabled. Don't view Video for Windows in Full Screen mode while running Leonardo da Vinci. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR Leonardo da Vinci: -486/33 MHz or better, SX or DX processor -12 MB of RAM -256 colors (preferably at 640x480 pixel resolution) -Double speed CD-ROM drive or better -8 bit Windows compatible sound card and speakers -Mouse -Microsoft Windows 3.1 or better If you have any comments or questions about Leonardo da Vinci, please call Corbis technical support weekdays between normal business hours Pacific Standard Time at (206) 562-6000 or e-mail us at Thank you for purchasing Leonardo da Vinci.